Data Academy is live!

after several weeks of work, the Data Academy has finally launched.

This first academy is a beginner-level course about "Data & Analytics in Marketing". Please note, that this academy is in German.

The academy is the first of hopefully more to come from Dept. All videos are produced by me, but thankfully the creative teams spared some time to help.

When you sign up, you'll get one video per day for the next five days. It's roughly one hour of video material in total. This way, you'll hopefully find time to watch even in a busy schedule.

We'll talk about customers, good vs. bad KPIs, data-driven marketing use cases, dashboards, and more.

You can sign up here (for free):

Data Academy | Dept
Mit Daten zum Marketingprofi werden - mit der Dept Data Academy! Entlang der gesamten Customer Journey sind Daten nicht mehr aus dem digitalen Marketing wegzudenken. Von der initialen Nutzerakquise bis zur nachhaltigen Kundenloyalität gilt: Nur wer seine Daten kennt und zu nutzen weiß, kann 2021 noc…

Let me know what you think 💯 Happy to see you in the academy!



PS: I'm planning a new videocast/livestream/podcast on data with very engaging interview guests and a big focus on insights for my audience. Who are the persons you think I should invite to interview?

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